Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Another update on our Carlinville store

We have a few more pics for you of the progress on our new Carlinville location. Click or tap the pics for a larger view. Our goal now is to be open before the end of July. Several of the new display fixtures have arrived and we'll show those to you as we get them positioned. The carpet has been thoroughly cleaned in preparation for the arrival of the new shelving for our expanded over-the-counter selection of brand name and economically priced Good Sense offerings. Beginning tomorrow, we'll be moving some stuff around in our current location as we begin removing some displays from the walls and getting them moved. Our goal is to keep the disruption to a minimum, but don't forget to ask for assistance if something is not where you saw it previously. As always, we're here to help.
Office doors awaiting refinishing

Looking across from the Rx drop-off window

Drop-off  window is on the right, pickups on the left

Looking from Michelle's office into pharmacy

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

An update on our new location in Carlinville

Original pharmacy framing
Oh, Hello! It's been a while since we've given you any info on the move to our new location in Carlinville, so we thought we would give you a little update (the last update was at the end of April! Sorry for the delay). Anyway, vacations will be wrapping up in the next few weeks, so you'll see a lot more progress shortly. Our estimate in April was that we would be moved in by the end of June. But, like any worthwhile project, we're taking a little extra time to insure that the building upgrades, both in physical & aesthetic layout, will meet our high standards for security, ease of access, and appearance. We're in the process of refurbishing & refinishing some unique displays we've found (including some very old interior doors with transoms - how long has it been since you've seen a working transom?). The carpet is being professionally cleaned in the next several days in preparation for the arrival of the new shelving next week. Most of the new cabinets in the pharmacy proper are installed with final positioning still to come to accommodate work flow and the installation of the drive-up window. Furniture and shelving for the new offices and the required secure file storage is on its way. And the break room/kitchen is coming along nicely - yay! 

Exterior pharmacy area
Check out the work-in-progress pics to get an idea of what we've been up to, and keep an eye out here for more updates, as well as the announcement of our Grand Opening celebration. We thank you for your patience while we build a much improved pharmacy experience for you!
View of main floor from pharmacy
Interior pharmacy area