Thursday, July 27, 2017

OK, this is it! We're moving to our new store July 31st!

After months of work we've nearly arrived at moving day! We are still open at our current location on the Carlinville square until 2pm on Saturday, July 29th. We are closed Sunday, as always. Then we re-open at our new location at 274 N. Broad St. in Carlinville at 8am on Monday, July 31st. You probably remember that location as the former video store in the Broad St. Plaza, along with Dollar General, Snap Fitness, and next to CarQuest. Much more, and much easier, parking is available and our new drive-up window on the south side of the building will be ready for you, too! We look forward to continuing serving you at our new location for many years!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

An update for Android Users of Our App

One of the newest Android software updates (Android 7.0) affects how you select your birth date, and it may cause some confusion and frustration. The change affects all Android apps across all industries, and is not limited to our pharmacy app.
The birth date selection process can be a little tricky because we’ve been conditioned to think of our birthday in this order — month, day, year. The software update, however, requires users to select their birthday in this order — year, month, day. When using our app on Android for the profile setup or refill process, it seems you have to manually scroll back several years from 2017 to the year you were born, but there is a much easier way if you follow these three simple steps:

1) Select the year located at the top left hand corner.
2) Find the month by scrolling forwards or backwards on the   calendar. 
3) Choose the day by clicking on the proper date on the calendar.

We are working on a solution to override Android’s default calendar function, but in the meantime, you can use the steps above to complete the refill form. For additional help or to learn more about our services, please give us a call at 217.854.4022.

And a reminder - we are just days away from moving our current location on the Carlinville square to our new location at 274 N Broad St (3 blocks north of the square). Keep an eye out here, on Facebook & Twitter for the latest news!