Thursday, October 19, 2017

Having problems with our app?

We've been getting a few reports that your refill requests aren't being received in the pharmacy when using our app. Whenever we hear about a problem with our app, we immediately attempt a test refill to verify any problems. We have been unable to duplicate any errors within the app itself, so we thought we might refresh the instructions a bit. 
As we mentioned in March, we had a new app developed and were going to phase out the original app. The time has come to shut off the old app and ensure that everyone gets acquainted with the new one. As you know, the old app was called simply "Michelle's Pharmacy" - our new one is called "Michelle's Pharmacy Illinois". We had to add "Illinois" to the name to avoid copyright issues as the new app builders represented a different company.
Anyway, we want to make sure everyone has access to the new app. If the Michelle's Pharmacy app you have installed looks like this on the main screen, it's the old one:

If that's the one you have, you can uninstall it.

Now, go to the AppStore if you have an iPhone, or to Google Play for your Android, and download "Michelle's Pharmacy Illinois". After installation you will have to re-enter your prescription info as it does not migrate the info from the old app.

Once installed, the new app looks like this:

 If you experience any problems contacting us or submitting your refills, please call us or show us the problem the next time you're in the store. Our goal is to make getting your refills as easy as possible. We'll do whatever we can to assist you.