Monday, April 20, 2020

Poison Ivy relief & First Defense

 For those who have reactions to Poison Ivy, we recommend Zanfel. It washes away Poison Ivy, Oak, & Sumac from the skin and quickly relieves itching. One tube contains enough Zanfel to wash approximately 15 patches the size of an adult hand or face. For best results, follow the directions carefully. Zanfel is safe for use by children and pregnant or nursing women.

For over 50 years, Ivy-Dry has provided highly effective treatments for poison ivy, oak, sumac, and insect bites.

Our First Defense Nasal Screens are designed to reduce disease-causing pathogens, reduce pet-associated allergies, and reduces second-hand smoke. Each pack contains 14 screens, enough for 7 days. First Defense Nasal Screens are made of breathable, non-latex, skin safe material, and helps to protect against foreign airborne particles entering the nasal passage. Available in small for children & large for adults. 

Zanfel & First Defense are available at all our stores.